4th/5th Grade at Glenwood City: Schedule
2:50 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:20 pm
Arrive by 2:20 pm
Directions to Glenwood City
**I will be contacting line judges by Thursday**
6th Grade at Bloomer: Schedule
Spooner Black - 9:00 am, 9:50 am, 11:30 am
Arrive by 8:30 am
Spooner White - 2:50 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:20 pm
Arrive by 2:20 pm
Directions to Bloomer
**I will be contacting line judges by Thursday**
7th/8th Grade at Clayton
9:00 am, 10:50 am, 11:45 am
Arrive by 8:30 am
Directions to Clayton
**I will be contacting line judges by Thursday**